COMPLETED PROJECT ELAS Metal Expert d.o.o. – Banja Luka, Republic of Serbia
ELAS Metal Expert d.o.o. – Automatic plant for powder coating
Banja Luka, Republic of Serbia
Automatic plant for powder coating aluminum and steel products according to the QUALICOAT standard. Chemical preparation consists of three tunnels that are supplied with 9 tubs of different chemicals to achieve adequate chemical preparation of working surfaces.A system of flaps and automated pressure valves enables the use of alkaline and phosphate solutions in the re circulation system without mixing these fluids in their initial baths.The system is controlled via the “Touch panel” through which the Steel / Aluminum mode is selected, and thus certain bathtubs are used according to the selection of materials.The Automatic GEMA booth is designed for maximum flexibility and efficiency of the ELAS Metal Expert production program.The polymerization furnace and dryer are designed according to the total plant capacity of 6 – 10 min per cycle.All these units are united by the two-rail transport system P&F from “KEWESTE GmbH”.The transfer chain above the cabin moves at a speed of 1.5 to 2.6 m/min, depending on the complexity of the work pieces.The maximum dimensions of the pieces are 6.5 x 0.8 x 2.0 m, and the maximum load per carrier is 300 kg.The capacity of the plant is for flat surfaces up to 260 m2/h, but in real application due to complexity, the average capacity is around 150 m2/h.